Overview of Toolkit Assets

Asset types

The toolkit contains several different types of assets:

  • Static files: e.g., images and logos
  • Templates: documents with editable placeholder text
  • Samples: documents used for Remake Learning Days in the Pittsburgh area, provided for reference
  • Guides: how-to instructions, timelines, and checklists
Asset naming conventions

Each tool in the toolkit follows a consistent naming convention that makes it easy to identify each file. For example:


Asset file formats

To maximize sharability, most documents in the toolkit use Google Docs (and “Sheets” and “Slides”) as the standard, base format, which gives us flexibility when we store and share them, and collaborate on content changes.

When you are ready to create your own variants of selected tools tailored to your own context, you will likely want to create your own Google Drive, make copies of these files via the Google Drive interface, and move those copies to your own Google Drive, where you will be able to create and store your own, custom, localized versions.